Monday, October 22, 2012

How much can DRL lights improve fuel consumption?

Lets say that DRL lights power consumption is about
PDRL = 10[W].
Alternatively you can drive with “normal” lights on, that is: a front low beam + rear position lamps and registration plate lamps (in my case H7, R5W, W5W respectively)
PNORM=2*55+2*5+2*5[W] = 130 [W],
we have omitted dashboard back-light but it shouldn't introduce too much error.
Volume of fuel V with energy density Ed needed to supply power P in time t is given by
where ηtotal is total efficiency.
Distance S is:
S = vt
where v is speed. We can also write:
lets insert t in the first fraction and we get:
Efficiency ηtotal is product of a engine efficiency ηengine, and a belt and alternator efficiency ηbalt
If we want to calculate the volume fuel difference we should insert power difference into formula so:
Lets assume that belt and alternator efficiency is
ηbalt = 50%.
In case of diesel engine
Ed = 37.3[MJ/ltr]
let also assume peek diesel engine efficiency
ηengine = 40%
The table shows fuel consumption at different speeds calculated according to presented assumptions calculated with formula (*)

In case of petroleum engine

Ed = 34.0[MJ/ltr]
and peek engine efficiency about
ηengine = 30%.
In real life we can expect much lower engine efficiency, depending on various conditions you can expect larger numbers, it is larger fuel savings. 

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